More and more of the world’s highest quality fine art reproduction and museum archiving is being accomplished with Better Light scanning backs. Large format has always been the preferred camera for art reproduction — the larger the format, the better the reproduction of detail from the original. Better Light scanning backs are made for 4x5 view cameras and copy stands, and provide digital capture quality superior to large format film or any other digital camera system.
Better Light’s pure RGB pixel data captures billions of accurate colors with outstanding detail and clarity. Superior resolution, coupled with the lack of film grain and accuracy of focus, exposure, and tone control, make Better Light’s first-generation digital files closer to perfection.
Many other features of the scanning back and Better Light's ViewFinder™ software aid in efficient and precise reproduction of all types of flat works of art, as well as three-dimensional pieces from vases to sculptures.
Master copy of Sir Thomas Lawrence "The Calmady Children"
30"x30" oil painting by Terry Guyer
Huge Digital Files for Fine Detail and Life-Size Reproduction — The more detail that is recorded from the original, the better that detail will be maintained in any size reproduction — from a small image on the Internet to a high-quality gicleé reproduction. The scanning back’s resolution can be adjusted as needed for the desired output size. |
Superior Color and Exposure Accuracy with NO FILM GRAIN — A large preview image is used to make adjustments for precise exposure, color balance, and contrast BEFORE the final image capture. Each customized exposure is based on the subject matter, lighting conditions, and method of reproduction to make the final image as accurate as possible. No guesswork as with film...and no grain, dust, or processing flaws.
Sharp Focus, Corner to Corner — Better Light’s ViewFinder™ software includes a digital focus verification function that allows perfect focus on the surface of the art, measured using the actual image sensor. Other camera systems rely only on visual focus with subsequent mechanical tolerance errors that create less than ideal sharpness and some loss of detail.
Versatility to Capture All Types and Sizes of Art — Used with any standard 4x5 view camera and continuous photographic lighting, the scanning back can provide high-quality images of drawings, paintings, framed art, large murals and scrolls, jewelry, tapestries, pottery, and sculptures. Art can be photographed in a studio environment, in a gallery, or on location.
The Perfect Tool for the Photographic Craftsperson — Art is one of the most challenging subjects to photograph correctly, requiring the proper equipment plus considerable skill and experience with lighting, exposure, and color management. Why not reward yourself and your clients with the superior digital results of a Better Light Scanning Back?
More Advantages Better Light Offers in Art Reproduction