Benefits of Better Light Scanning Backs:
Superior Optical Resolution — Native resolution up to 8,000 x 10,660 RGB pixels (256 megapixels). Enhanced resolution up to 12,000 x 15,990 RGB pixels (384 megapixels). |
No color interpolation — All Better Light scanning backs produce pure RGB data for every pixel in the image. Two-thirds of the image data from most single-shot digital cameras is interpolated. |
No color artifacts or inaccuracies caused by single-shot Bayer-pattern sensor interpolation. |
Capture 14 bits per color with a dynamic range of >3.3 D-max or
11-12 f-stops. Images can be saved as 48-bit or 24-bit RGB TIFF files. |
Edge-to-edge sharpness can be achieved by using a Zig-Align alignment system. Camera standards and camera-to-artwork are made precisely parallel. |
Focus confirmation in all three colors using the Digital Focus Verification tool in ViewFinder™ software to optimize camera focus under final capture conditions. |
Adjustable resolution (file size) to produce the ideal file size for each image. |
Create customized repro curves for optimal reproduction of most subjects without subjective judgments. |
Accurate color balance is achieved by sampling up to four neutral points, assuring perfect neutrals throughout every image. |
Advanced control of contrast to maintain delicate detail from the brightest highlights to the darkest shadows. |
Precise exposure adjustments as fine as 1/10th of an f-stop to optimize every image and minimize post-capture processing. |
Adjustable grid and guide lines assist in aligning camera and art to eliminate post-capture image rotation. |
Automatic metadata recording of exposure conditions accompanies each image. Operator can add additional information before or after each capture. |
Auto conversion from negative to positive for film negatives to reduce post-processing and aid in determining optimal exposure and contrast adjustments before scanning. |
Outstanding customer service and art repro expertise from Better Light's staff of experienced photographers and engineers. |
...who would know better than the company
that created the first digital scanning back!