ViewFinder™ —
Digital Scanning Camera Software
The speed and precision of Better Light's award-winning digital scanning cameras have been optimized by the use of our newest ViewFinder™ camera control software. This unique software, which is compatible with all models of Better Light scanning cameras, can dramatically reduce the setup time required for each scan, while at the same time delivering an unprecedented level of control over every aspect of image capture.
After setting up the camera, lights and focus, the Better Light scan back is placed in the back of the camera and a 16-bit prescan is made and the preview image is displayed on the computer monitor. All exposure, sensitivity (ISO), color balance, and contrast/brightness adjustments will immediately update on the monitor, without the need for additional prescans. Better Light allows you to optimize conditions BEFORE CAPTURE to assure the ultimate in first generation image quality.
Available for Macintosh and Windows computers.