ViewFinder 7 (revision C) USER'S MANUAL- Print resolution version (PDF 6.1MB)
Complete PDF version of instructions for Better Light scanning camera and ViewFinder software.
ViewFinder 7 (revision C) USER'S MANUAL- Screen resolution version (PDF 1.9MB)
Complete PDF version of instructions for Better Light scanning camera and ViewFinder software.
ViewFinder TUTORIAL - PowerPoint Presentation (PDF 18.2 MB)
Step-by-step procedure to create quality images with the Better Light scanning back and ViewFinder Software.
ViewFinder TUTORIAL - Practice Prescan File (3.4MB Zip File)
You can work along with the ViewFinder tutorial without the scanning back by using this prescan. 
Open your ViewFinder application and hold the Option (Mac) or Alt (Windows) key down and click the Prescan button. A menu window will open to allow you to locate this prescan file on your hard drive. Select the file and click “Open”. The image will load into the ViewFinder preview window, just as it would with a camera-created prescan.
All functions except Focus can be used to increase your understanding of the software. Color balance, Tone Curve adjustments, Tone Zones, Cropping, etc. can all be used in the same way as if working with a live scanning back setup.
NEW – Feb 2010! Repro Curve Instructions and Workflow with Target Numbers (PDF 152K)
Updated instructions and charts of data values for use of the 1.8 and 2.2 gamma Repro Curves on the Tone Curve menu in the Better Light ViewFinder™ software. Especially useful in Art Reproduction applications, the PDF file lists suggested workflow steps. Includes RGB values for new X-Rite Passport, ColorChecker™ 24-patch, ColorChecker SG and DC, plus Kodak Grayscale Charts.
Tone Curve Visual Reference Sheet (PDF 814K)
A variety of the primary preset tone curves from the ViewFinder 5 software are demonstrated with a photograph, curve shape and paragraph explaining the differences in the curve and suggested applications. A helpful tool to get familiar with the tone curve options.
Recreating Customized Tone Curves for Better Light ViewFinder Software (PDF 176K)
When updating your scan back to ViewFinder 6.x or 5.x from previous 4.x or beta versions of Better Light software you may need to recreate a custom tone curve. Instructions are provided to guide the plotting of the curve to match previous results.

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