Better Light Accessories Replacement Parts For Your Scan Back System
All prices are suggested retail prices in U.S. dollars. Prices are subject to change without notice.
Outside of the United States prices may be higher to include duty, taxes and freight charges.
Filters for Daylight & Tungsten Light Sources
Daylight (2mm thick)
Tungsten (3mm thick)
Infrared Blocking Filters
IR Filter, Daylight, 3" x 3" $195
IR Filter, Tungsten, 3" x 3" $195
4" x 4" and 77mm Screw-in IR Filters
are no longer available.
Insert Cables
Three sizes of proprietary cables
for the Better Light scanning
insert to control box connection.
6' Short Insert Cable $50
15' Standard Insert Cable $80
25' Long Insert Cable $110
Some Used Cables Available
at a
50% discount.
Ground Glass Overlays
72mm X 96mm self adhesive masks for centering images
Package of 3 = $15
Insert Holster Assembly
Rugged padded nylon
with plastic insert.
Grommet holes at top for hanging.