About Portfolio Prints

Portfolio prints are made on the same heavyweight matte white cotton fiber "rag" paper as larger fiber prints. All image aspect ratios are printed on a common 11 by 17 inch paper size for convenient storage, handling, and display. Each print is individually protected in a resealable crystal-clear polypropylene bag with a buffered four ply backing board. An optional black clamshell portfolio box holds up to 20 prints for storage and easy access.

PORTFOLIO PRINT SIZES (all on 11 x 17 inch paper size):


1 print ......... US$75
3 prints ....... US$180
6 prints ....... US$300
10 prints ..... US$400
20 prints ..... US$600

Black clamshell portfolio box US$45 (holds up to 20 prints)


portfolio prints are protected for easy handling

print and backing board partially removed from bag

closeup of print in/out of clear bag - see the difference?